It is very important to include all details and account specifics so we can get to the bottom of your problem or issue as soon as possible. Leaving general information out such as account names can leave support in the dark. Here are some general guidelines to follow.....

Website problem: Include a complete description of the problem or issue along with the specific account's main username and domain name. If the problem happened at a specific time or is happening now, include relevant time information so we can pinpoint the problem. If the problem is located at a specific web page or website make sure to include the URL.

Dialup account problem: Include a complete description of the problem or issue along with the specific account's main username, dialup number and password. If the problem happened at a specific time or is happening now, include relevant time information so we can pinpoint the problem. If this involves a dialup number outage, make sure to test your connection on an alternate number and let us know if you did so.

Email box problem: Include a complete description of the problem or issue along with the specific box name (for example and the password for the effected box. If this is not the account's main mailbox please include your master account username in your message.

And lastly, remember, the more information you give us the better we can help you. Thanks for your patronage and we look forward to your question or comment.