FrontPage Support Documentation - PRO-SILVER and PRO-DIAMOND

WEBster Computing Services servers offers full support for Microsoft FrontPage and its server extensions, including Frontpage97 and Frontpage98.

Microsoft FrontPage is a software package for Windows 95 and Windows NT. It was originally developed by Vermeer Technologies, and then bought out by Microsoft.

Microsoft FrontPage is used to develop and manage Web sites. It is generally considered one of the better Web site management packages available. Because some of its advanced capabilities require server-side support, its "Server Extensions" must be installed into your account before you can make use of those advanced features. If you do not need features such as fill-out forms, discussion forums, or searching, the Server Extensions are not required. To use Microsoft FrontPage without the Server Extensions, visit the Microsoft Web site for their Free Publishing Wizard.

To use the server extensions, a ADVANCED, ELITE or PRO-SERIES account is required, as well as a REAL Domain. However, there is no additional monthly charge for having FrontPage enabled for your account. A one time manhour $15 setup fee applies ito add or delete frontpage if your account has been active more than 14 days. When requesting Frontpage be sure to specify 97 or 98 installation. If you do not specify we will install the 98 version.

Our FrontPage configuration has these features:

To use FRONTPAGE server extentions with your account please let us know. We will need to activate your specific account. Please note that we do not provide technical support or guidance for FRONTPAGE. It is up to the individual user to learn this system if needbe.

Important Things To Know (summary):

  1. If you choose to use Frontpage, the only way to upload your web site(s) is with frontpage. you CANNOT FTP into your Frontpage Directory. You can use FTP & TELNET to enter other areas of your site outside the Frontpage Directory structure
  2. Everytime you create a "New Web" on our server, we will have to restart your web deamon. We have now updated our Web Configuration to automatically reboot every 15 minutes if you have "Created A New Web".
  3. Frontpage is a good product, however its transfer protocol is temperamental. Therefore it is a good idea to have each of your directories created as their own web, and then "publish" it to your web.
  4. When you "Publish" or "Copy" your first web to our server you can put a "/" or leave it blank (depending on what version you're using) in the name of the web the destination web, and this should place your web in the "root web" directory.
  5. (FrontPage will only work with fully qualified domain names. (REAL DOMAINS)

Frontpage installation request: ($15 installation fee applies to accounts active more than 2 weeks)
Account Domain Name:        
Current Account Password:   
Your name:                  
Your email:                 
Add/Delete Frontpage        
Important Note! You may not "resell" access to "Sub Webs" of your account to third parties. This is equivalent to sharing your account password with other persons, which is forbidden!

Microsoft's Frontpage's Homepage is located at HERE.

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